Horde Hunters Update v.0.3.1 Patch Notes – UI Improvements

Danilo Medeiros

 "Good news! I'm fairly confident that the big crash bug I (and many of you) have been dealing with is finally fixed. Along with that I've added a few QOL things that were requested. Hopefully now that the launch week troubles are behind, we can finally look into the future with some real additions. Stay tuned!"

- Dev Note


The Horde Hunters game has been receiving frequent updates, The Update we are reporting in this article is v.0.3.1 and it came to Add new possibilities to the game, Many improvements implemented related to UI

Based on the patch notes of this update, we know that it came to add several new features in gameplay options, game performance optimization and even a smaller amount of effects when the "Medium" quality is applied, thus improving the game's performance even more. , Check out all the news below.


  • New setting: Apply transparency to party members as well (default: Off)
  • Projectile transparency setting is now a slider (10-100%)
  • Setting sliders can be reset to their default value with mouse right click. Master sound level moved as the first choice as well in order
  • Map info panel lists all of the achievements that have not been completed yet
  • Character info panel shows total runtime
  • Slightly fewer weather effects on average
  • Minor performance improvements


  • Silent crash on Forest map with boss encounter and similar silent crashes elsewhere are hopefully resolved
  • Level up and elite kill reward may happen at the same time causing issues
  • Enemy projectiles were affected by the lowered transparency setting 

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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