Marauders Update Red Baron Hotfix #02 Patch Notes – New Anti-Cheat system

Marauders Update Red Baron Hotfix #02 Patch Notes – Bug fixes, tweaks and new Anti-Cheat system "Denuvu"
Danilo Medeiros

 Hello Marauders, 

moment, we've enforced Hotfix# 02 for The Red Baron update. Although our primary thing for this hotfix was some of the fixes for bugs that you'll find listed below, we wanted to take the occasion to introduce some updates to other aspects of the game. You'll also find that we've added a newAnti-Cheat system to Looters, which you'll admit a prompt to install when you download moment’s patch. Please read through to the bottom of this post to learn further about this new perpetration. 

- Dev Note




  •  Denuvoanti-cheat added( please read more on this below). 
  •  Ragdolls are now affected by killshot impulses drugs. 




  •  streamlined the cover launching VFX. 
  •  streamlined the cover damaged on fire VFX. 
  •  VFX added to vessels being hit. 
  •  Removed graveness goods from boat critical explosion VFX, so now it'll act like it's in space( aka float down). 




  •  Sped up the mix- in time for the megahit reply robustness when vessels take damage. 


  •  streamlined the cover launching sound goods. 
  •  streamlined the cover violating sound goods. 
  •  Added redundant debris sounds for the first person section of violating into a boat. 
  •  streamlined sound when you get hit while you're a cover. 
  •  New space mine sounds. 
  •  New nuke space mine sounds. 
  •  New sound added to the exit match cinematic( spanus activation sound). 
  •  New surface explosion/ damage sound for when vessels hit 0 health. 
  •  vessels now have an external megahit sound when they take damage. 
  •  Tweaks to the exit gate ambient sounds. 
  •  Small stinger on driving your boat into a raid area entrance( some fix for japanese lang). 
  •  Tweaks to space decorations( space debris, jewels etc) ambient sounds to help spatialise better. 
  •  Main menu on crew produce, cinch/ unlocking button now uses the cinch sounds when pressed. 
  •  New impact sounds for blunt ruckus munitions when hitting dirt. 
  •  New impact sounds for sharp ruckus munitions when hitting dirt. 
  •  New impact sounds for blunt ruckus munitions when hitting concrete. 
  •  New impact sounds for sharp ruckus munitions when hitting concrete. 
  •  New impact sounds for blunt ruckus munitions when hitting general essence. 
  •  New impact sounds for sharp ruckus munitions when hitting general essence. 
  •  The impact explosion for the dereliction turret now has a designed far distance sound. 


  •  Optimised radar palace turret. 
  •  Optimised boat critical explosion VFX and sound( was playing multiple times). 


  •  streamlined restatements for German. 
  •  streamlined restatements for Spanish. 
  •  streamlined restatements for French. 
  •  streamlined restatements for Italian. 
  •  streamlined restatements for Brazilian Portuguese. 
  •  streamlined restatements for Russian. 
  •  streamlined restatements for Simplified Chinese. 
  •  streamlined restatements for Traditional Chinese. 
  •  When using Chinese Simplified original the totem in login, mainmenu and in- game exit menu changes to the chinese interpretation. 
  •  Misc fixes for localisation problems across the UIs( textbook imbrication, missing words, cut off textbook). 




  •  tried fix to help body XP resetting/ wiping returning to main menu. 
  •  Fixes added for boat store wiping when returning to main menu. 
  •  Fixes added for getting the same request trades( should now be arbitrary per player). 
  •  Fix added for getting off boat turret/ airman/ camera causing you to get stuck in an vitality disguise. 
  •  Fix for the UI not refreshing body standing values in trade menu occasionally. 
  •  Fix for ghost keycard item problem when discarding equipages. 
  •  Fix for carriage staying open when it should n’t be. 
  •  Fixed STG and K1 equip sounds having too big an attenuation. 
  •  Fixed fire extinguisher start stop sounds having too big an attenuation. 
  •  Fix for main menu advising pop ups only showing formerly also noway again. 
  •  Fix for long crewmember names lapping the UI in the crew list. 
  •  Fixes to crew join menu crew rows for lapping and arrestment textbook problems. 
  •  Fixed imbrication with companion button in in- game exit menu when you open it up. 
  •  Fixed some sounds that did n’t have soundclasses assigned. 
  •  Fix for space mines not playing explosion sound goods. 
  •  Fixed bug where brume medium circle was n’t set to goods sound class. 

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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