Project Playtime update for 22 February 2023 Patch Notes – Hotfix

Danilo Medeiros


- Made Finger Puppet hands colorable 

- Improved First-Person player animations 

- Reduced duration of host migration

- Improved user flow for customization

- Improvements to mission result screen (monster name visible, accurate post game results)

- Removed unnecessary player UI after death

- Ticket count now visible in lobby

- Chat box improvements


- Fixed issue in the Toy Box menu when swapping between Monster Skins and Player Outfits

- Fixed several item thumbnails rendered with low-resolution textures

- Fixed being able to join a game that is migrating hosts, trapping players in the lobby

- Fixed bug where right hand cosmetics wouldn't appear

- Fixed outfits not being rewarded properly

- Fixed boxy's music only tracking hosts

- Fixed boxy being able to long-jump while holding a survivor

- Fixed monsters sometimes floating during jumpscares

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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