Wild West Dynasty Update v0.1.7463 Patch Notes – Hotfix
Publicado por
Danilo Medeiros
Check out the Patch Notes for update v0.1.7463 Released on February 2022, 2023, Featuring new implementations to improve gameplay and an interesting list of bug fixes, this update is called "Hotfix" as it focuses on solving errors found in previous versions.
- Added amount panel for interaction with chest
- Added amount panel for interaction with storage
- Chris Yorke - fixed pink beard
- NPCs in Hope - fixed some pink hairs
- NPCs in Hope - fixed eyes
- Loading state of Buildings and Inventory for advanced saves (you will get back your buiildings and inventory - right now we are fixing loading issues with the production queues)
- (WIP) Lost Treasure - fixing quest progression. Test for older saves
- Updated
- Bow - started to refactor usage of bow (should be much more "intuitive"). Player can also right now use bow during walking
- Journal - started to refactor UI for Quest Panel
- Animal respawn limitter. Full animal herd will respawn only one per day
- Shop and Storage-panels can now be filtered
- Loca updates
- UI updates
- Reduced music volume in Taxation
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral
Instagram: @danilopablolima