World Boss Update v0.1.5 Patch Notes - New Features!

Danilo Medeiros


We ’re starting 2023 off right with a brand new update! While we ’re working hard on a full Content Update due to land in the coming weeks, we wanted to take this occasion to make several Quality of Life advancements along with some bug fixes. 

 This update includes the largely- anticipated capability for disconnected players to return the game with all of their former progress saved, so they can continue forging their path to come the World Boss. 

 also, there have been some changes to make UI rudiments more readable(e.g. guard and health), we ’ve included further information about gratuities via the Tab screen, and uncorked further options for hunkering players to skulk around without appearing on the minimap. Check it out! 

 We're always assessing the balancing for munitions and gratuities to insure that the playing field remains indeed. Some perquisite suckers have dropped slightly as a result. 

 Make sure to read about all the changes below and keep your eyes hulled for further information on the coming Update. 


Features and Content

Rejoin with Progress
If players disconnect from their current session, for a short period of time, they will be able to rejoin the same game with their progress (Level, Perks, Weapons) at the same state as when they disconnected.

Health and Shield Bar Visual Update
Bars are segmented and will increase/decrease uniformly to clearly show players total based on what upgrades they have equipped.

Tab Screen Update
Stats added with a new layout to accommodate all of the information

Loadout Update
New Layout and Navigation setup

Boot Up Sequence and Splash Screen
Updated the boot up flow and splash screen to better reflect how the game loads, and added more relevant information in the screen

Hex Visual Updates

  • Crash site
  • City

Main Menu Updates

  • Player idle pose
  • New posed character icons

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Improved UX flow to the store
  • Implemented a multi-slot sub-menu for selecting an unlocked stat tracker
  • Implemented a notification system for missions pop-ups that supports animations

Perk and Weapon Synergy
Instead of the Perks offered to players at each level up being almost completely delivered at random, we have implemented a system that provides some weighting towards what selections players have made at previous levels and will make future offerings slightly favour synergistic selections.

The aim is to give players more agency and provide some control over how they craft their particular character “build” within that session, but still providing the possibility of some randomisation to keep things dynamic.

Crouch to Disable Visibility
When the player is a regular Gladiator and they are crouching, they aren’t visible on the minimap, and when the player is the World Boss – regardless of their movement state – they should be visible on the minimap.

Last Chance Perk update
When a player dies, and the Last Chance perk procs they will be able to reset the countdown timer by successfully making a kill.

Store Revamp
The store has some new additions - go check it out!

Steam Rich Presence Update
This now reflects what you’re playing on Steam.

  • Tesla Coil cooldown increased from 10s to 25s.
  • Tesla Coil damage increased from 50 to 75.
  • Impulse Grenade power increased from 20 to 30.
  • Impulse Grenade explosion radius increased from 10.5m to 12m.
  • Melee damage decreased from 425 to 350.
  • Pistol Fire Rate increased to 300 from 250.
  • All weapons now have fall off damage.
  • Refuel speed debuff reduced to 2% from 10%.
  • Elemental resistance speed debuff reduced to 5% from 15%.
  • Thick Skull speed debuff reduced to 2% from 5%.
  • Last Chance countdown timer can be reset by chaining kills.
  • Last Chance timer changed to 10 seconds from 5.
  • Last Chance chance to proc increased to 15% from 10%.
  • Reload Heal reduced to 10% of nominal health from 100%.
  • Melee Damage Changed from health category perk to damage perk.
  • All Epic debuffs set to a max of -5%.
  • Shield Bonus decreased to 10% from 25%.
  • Shield Bonus increased to 5 tiers from 3.
  • HP Bonus decreased to 10% from 25%.
  • HP Bonus increased to 5 tiers from 3.
  • Removed the +5% elemental damage from Impulse Punch.
  • Removed the +5% elemental damage from Jetpack.
  • World Boss Shield decreased to 1000 HP from 1500.
  • Minimap Level 1 size increased to 100m from 65.
  • Minimap Level 30 size increased to 25m from 10.
Bug Fixes


  • Various audio improvements.
  • Fixed an issue where the grenade indicator wouldn’t disappear.
  • Fixed miscellaneous player and environment collision issues.
  • Fixed an issue where players would A-pose.
  • Fixed an issue where the store was unavailable after clicking on "Buy Premium Battle Pass" from the Battle Pass menu.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to skip levels or claim all items in the Battle Pass.
  • Fixed a range of text overflow issues in the menu and HUD.
  • Fixed issues with the weekly mission timers.
  • Fixed % off for Boss Bucks to reflect the correct discount.
  • After using melee, it now uses the correct weapon equip animation.
  • Explosive mags now have the correct icon.
  • Fixed an issue where prestige showed at the incorrect level.
  • Fixed a range of issues with shaders.
  • Fixed an issue with the active vignette showing after leaving and rejoining a game.
  • Fixed a range of issues with climbing and mantling objects.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would periodically turn invisible after prestiging.
  • Fixed neck topology on characters.
  • Fixed a range of UI issues in the battle pass, menu and HUD.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking "No" when prompted to save changes to inputs would not revert bindings.
  • Fixed a range of missing weapon icons in the Loadout.
  • Fixed an issue where after killing a player their health bar and hit box remained until respawn.
  • Fixed an issue where the EOR screen didn’t show perk levels.
  • Fixed an issue where the player and pedestal was missing from the EOR screen.
  • Fixed an issue where one XP generator didn’t activate in the Wild West hex.
  • Fixed an issue where the Default Shotgun skin was mis-labeled as the Default Sniper Rifle.
  • Fixed an issue where the Skins/Pedestals changed automatically when players exited and entered the game.
  • Fixed an issue when a player equipped the kill XP perk, it broke the XP bar.
  • Fixed a UI issue when selecting a common weapon in the perk wheel it switched to legendary.
  • Fixed an issue where the player's camera sometimes cut out after getting a kill.
  • Fixed an issue where double-clicking a locked item in the Loadout menu equipped it.
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s point of view was locked on respawn except the HUD.
  • Fixed an issue when the search bar was highlighted, clicking on any element would trigger search.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could see splash damage PFX but no damage was taken.
  • Fixed an issue where banner titles and stat rewards do not have a description.
  • Fixed an issue where a player would be awarded XP and Boss Bucks in error.
  • Fixed an issue where the death screen didn’t display perks correctly when the opponent had more than 24 perks.
  • Fixed an issue when the player got kicked for inactivity the character render disappeared from the main menu after closing kicked notification.
  • Fixed an issue where the respawn screen banner briefly showed the enemy’s then switched to the players’.
  • Fixed an issue where the stat cards didn’t update until the game was closed.
  • Fixed an issue when opening the loadout menu whilst loading into the main menu caused a duplicate of the character render to appear.


  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash after starting a new game.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would soft lock when joining a game.
  • Fixed an issue where the game crashed after clicking on "Buy Premium Battle Pass" from the Battle Pass menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the game crashes when selecting Icon Background.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting the Loadouts tab it caused infinite loading.


  • Improved the server and client sync.
  • Fixed an issue when inspecting items in the Loadout it caused frame drops.
  • Fixed an issue when the user dies whilst playing with a controller they couldn’t respawn.
  • Fixed an issue where the player got stuck on spawn or stuck after moving briefly.

Equipment fixes

  • Fixed missing trail from the Bubble Shield, Jumppad and Speedtread.
  • Improved Teleporter collision.
  • Fixed an issue where the Teleporter gets thrown instantly on respawn.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bubble Shield did not deploy where the player was aiming.
  • Fixed an issue where the Firebomb icon sometimes didn’t appear under players' health bars.
  • Fixed an issue where the Speed Tread often sent the player in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed an issue when the Teleporter was deployed on a vertical surface it made the player float.
  • Fixed an issue where equipment deployed on respawn if the player died as equipment was deployed.
  • Fixed an issue where in third person view, the Teleporter played the throw and activation animation on deployment.

Weapon fixes

  • Fixed an issue where rockets from the Rocket Launcher were unable to destroy drones.
  • Fixed a range of issues where weapons weren’t firing or firing incorrect shells.
  • Fixed an issue where equipped weapons would be floating around players' heads.
  • Fixed an issue where the character does not hold the assault rifle properly in 3D preview.
  • Fixed an issue where after firing with a single weapon equipped causes ghost shots to fire.
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon skins didn’t match what was equipped.
  • Fixed an issue when reconnecting after disconnect, one weapon occasionally got switched to the default pistol.
  • Fixed an issue where Rocket Launcher projectiles carried perk VFXs between prestiges, even if they weren’t selected.
Known issues
  • Completed missions from v0.1.4 may appear as incomplete. You won't be able to complete them again, but you will not lose any Battle Pass progression.
  • Players' items will be unequipped upon updating the game. You'll need to jump into your Loadout and equip your preferred items.
  • Players getting kicked out of game/back to lobby.
  • Hang on Loading Screen. Dev note:The workaround is to hard close the game, and reopen.
  • Some connection or high latency issues.
  • After being kicked for no/poor internet connection, trying to rejoin the game before your internet has reconnected will cause infinite attempts to connect to a match - Dev note:Close the game and reopen if this occurs.
  • Some banner stats may be slow to update
  • After minimising the game for a few minutes, sometimes the menu tabs become invisible (they are still clickable)
  • On low occurrence, saving and exiting from the settings while connecting to a game may result in infinite connecting - Dev note:Close the game and reopen if this occurs.
  • On low occurrence, a player may be unable to respawn after dying while clicked into another window
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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