Mordhau Update 27 Patch Notes for 28 March 2023 - New Game Mode

Danilo Medeiros

MORDHAU's latest update, Patch #27, has been released on March 28, 2023. This patch includes several exciting additions such as a new game mode called Sword Game, two new female voice sets in French and German, and a Continental Voice Pack 2 DLC with male and female voice sets in Nordic, Irish, Italian, and Slavic. The Crude armor set has undergone a total rework with improved texture quality, two helmet variations, and two shoulder variations. Additionally, new skins for the RoyalGuard halberd and Crude bill have been added.

Other changes in the patch include fixing bugs with gold rewards and muted players, adding new admin commands, and removing South America from ranked options due to a lack of servers in the region. Map optimizations and adjustments have also been made, as well as fixes for weapon exploits and Horde mode bugs.

Overall, the Patch #27 update brings exciting new features and improvements to the game. Check now the official patch notes with all the changes of this update.


  • Added a new game mode to the Brawl playlist: Sword game
  • Added 2 new female voice sets to the base game: French & German
  • Added Continental Voice Pack 2 - DLC which includes:

    • 2 Male (Nordic, Irish)
    • 2 Female (Italian, Slavic)
  • Removed South America from Ranked options in matchmaking menu since there are no servers for the region
  • Fixed cases where gold was not being awarded when Combat Tutorial was completed
  • Fixed bug where muted players could still chat at the start of the match
  • Added new admin commands to spawn the horse and hog
  • Added the Raise Sword Emote for Longsword


  • The Pit - Fixed a bug where bots could spawn in Out of Bounds and consequently die
  • Fixed current map showing in vote options when it is not in rotation
  • Optimization on Noria; adjusted polycount, draw calls, overdraw, HLODs and lighting
  • Changes to the Noria Invasion map:

    • Added anti-toolbox areas to prevent spawning on top of the final objective
    • Removed the possibility to place spawn banners in Out of Bounds areas
    • Moved final noble NPC out of line of sight, to prevent firebomb exploitation

Weapons & Equipment

  • Fixed ballista movement exploit
  • Fixed pommel throw exploit
  • Sensitivity of ranged weapons on controllers is now applied for all ranged weapons


  • Fixed a bug with players not respawning in case they died between waves
  • Fixed the explosive barrels griefing
  • Extended revive time from 30s to 35s
  • Extended respawn time from 15s to 90s
  • Noble size scaled down by 20% to prevent only using stabs on normal sized enemies
  • Noble AI changes; increased combat capabilities, reduced aggression
  • Fine-tuned the noble engagement radius and patrol points
  • Increased Noble health in Dungeon to offset the map difficulty


  • Fixed team color preview not showing when re-entering the Armory
  • Fixed large spawn point icons
  • Increased resolution of main menu icons
  • Added a button to change player perspective from the main menu
  • Added a button to perform suicide from the main menu
  • Increased size of objective icons in a match to increase readability
  • Fixed a bug in the main menu where the quit button would appear when it should not
  • Added blur in front of armory and disabled interaction while the armory is loading
  • Updated localization


  • Fixed LOD materials for cosmetic items released in Patch #26
  • Remade and expanded the Crude armor set
  • Added new halberd and bill skins
  • Various fixes and QoL cosmetic additions
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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