Prehistoric Kingdom Update Early Access 1.1.312 - Hotfix

Danilo Medeiros


The game Prehistoric Kingdom Received Today Update v1.1.312, It arrives correcting Several Bugs found in previous versions, some of these errors found in dinosaurs in particular Juxia and Edmontosaurus, in addition it Corrected 2 other errors related to Gameplay.

In terms of performance and development, the game better optimized the rendering of the Paraceratherium dinosaur and also improved the rendering of stone.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Juxia size bug
  • Fixed Edmontosaurus kuukpikensis star rating
  • Fixed Excavation menu rating checks
  • Fixed invalid path bug


  • Optimized Paraceratherium rendering
  • Optimized rock rendering

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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