theHunter: Call of the Wild Update Showcase HOTFIX Patch Notes

Danilo Medeiros


The Showcase Hotfix Update for the game theHunter: Call of the Wild was recently released, but since then, some bugs have been affecting a group of players across all platforms. To address these issues, a new hotfix has been launched on March 28, 2023.

The hotfix primarily focuses on stability, fixing rare instances that caused the game to crash. For example, the game could crash after switching loadouts or when accessing the Hunt Club menu. However, these problems have been rectified, and players can now use their saved data without any issues. Additionally, fast traveling with the Hunting Dog in multiplayer would occasionally cause the game to crash, but this bug has also been removed.

The update also fixes some UI-related issues. Points of Interest icons will now be hidden correctly after using the "Hide POI Icons" option. Moreover, the in-game DLC store will now work correctly, and players will be able to progress through the game without any issues.

Overall, the Showcase Update Hotfix has resolved some of the major bugs affecting players since the game's launch, making it a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience for all.

Bug Fixes


  • Addressed a rare issue that could cause the game to crash after switching loadouts, and further prevent it from launching before reaching the main menu.
  • Developer’s Notes: The crash was related to specific files in the player’s save game, and removing them (or the entirety of the save data) would allow the game to launch again. The fix rectifies the underlying issue so that save data will be usable again.
  • Fast traveling with the Hunting Dog in multiplayer occassionally caused the game to crash, but we sniffed out the problem and removed it.
  • In rare circumstances pressing “Continue” in the main menu or changing Reserves will no longer lead to the game crashing.
  • We fixed a crash that could happen to a very small number of players when accessing the Hunt Club menu.


  • Points of Interest icons will now be correctly hidden after using “Hide POI Icons” option.


  • The game will no longer create a new save file on PC if a player’s save data has somehow disappeared. It will now try to restore the data from backups instead of creating a brand-new file.


  • The in-game DLC Store will now work correctly.
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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