Crafty Survivors update Version Patch Notes (1 April, 2023)

Danilo Medeiros


Crafty Survivors has released its latest update, Version, on April 1st, 2023. This update brings some adjustments and bug fixes to the game to make the player experience more enjoyable.

One of the major adjustments made in this update is to Stoverick, the Chef. The sound effects of the Swirling Knives ability at level 6 have been adjusted to reduce the sounds. This change is aimed at improving the overall game experience, especially for players who found the sound effects too loud or disruptive.

Another important change made in the update is the bug fix for the Reroll and Remove System. Previously, this feature was appearing on the level-up UI before being unlocked through the village properly. With this bug fix, players can now use the Reroll and Remove System without any issues or glitches.

Overall, the Version update for Crafty Survivors is aimed at improving the player experience by making the necessary adjustments and bug fixes. Players can now enjoy the game with reduced sound effects and access the Reroll and Remove System without any problems.

Patch Notes


Stoverick, the Chef
  • Chef's Knife level 6 - adjusted the sound of the Swirling Knives to reduce the sounds.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Reroll and Remove System, as they were appearing on the level up UI before being properly unlocked through the village.
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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