Fabledom Update for 19 April, 2023 Patch Notes – New UI Feature

Danilo Medeiros

 On April 19th, 2023, Fabledom released a new update focused on military gameplay. The announcement mentioned that in addition to bug fixes and quality of life improvements, the development team would also be working on new content.

One of the new features included in this update is extra information displayed in the fabling UI. Players will now be able to see if their fabledoms have food at home or are working far away from home. This added level of detail will allow players to better manage their fabledoms' needs and make informed decisions about their gameplay strategy.

Fabledom Update for 19 April, 2023 Patch Notes – New UI Feature

The update also included a number of fixes to various UI elements. Tooltips were added to areas where they were previously missing, making it easier for players to understand the functionality of different parts of the game. Localization issues were also addressed, which will improve the gameplay experience for non-English speaking players. Finally, a bug related to messengers and sickness statuses was fixed, which should improve overall gameplay stability.

It's worth noting that while this update focused on military gameplay, the development team has promised to continue working on bug fixes and quality of life improvements as time goes on. This demonstrates a commitment to the game's ongoing development and improving the player experience.

This update appears to be a step in the right direction for Fabledom. The added features and fixes demonstrate a dedication to improving the gameplay experience, and it will be interesting to see what new content the development team has in store for players in the future.

Today we started work on our upcoming military patch!

We will continue to fix bugs and add QoL as time goes on, but we will also split this time between preparing our new content.

New features

  • Added extra information to fabling UI to show if they have food at home or are working very far from home.


  • Added tooltips to some UI where it was missing
  • Fixed some localization issues.
  • Fixed issue with messengers and sickness statuses.
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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