Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Update v1.1.3 Patch Notes (17 April, 2023)

Danilo Medeiros

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Update v1.1.3 - Patch Notes and Fixes

 Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord has released its latest update, version 1.1.3, on April 17, 2023. This update brings various fixes to both singleplayer and multiplayer modes, addressing crashes and bugs reported by players.

One of the significant fixes in the singleplayer mode is related to crashes caused by corrupt save data when making peace with minor factions. Players were experiencing crashes during the process of making peace, which resulted in corrupted save files. With the v1.1.3 update, this issue has been resolved, ensuring that players can make peace with minor factions without encountering any crashes.

Another crash in the singleplayer mode that has been fixed is related to transferring troops between formations with banners. Players were encountering crashes when attempting to transfer troops, which interrupted their gameplay. This issue has been addressed in the update, allowing players to transfer troops between formations smoothly without any crashes.

In addition to the crashes, a bug that caused vassals to randomly disappear after being promoted from a companion position has also been fixed. This bug was affecting the progression and management of vassals in the singleplayer mode, and the update has resolved it, ensuring that vassals remain present after promotion.

Moving on to the multiplayer mode, the v1.1.3 update has fixed a server crash that occurred due to a modded client in custom servers. This crash was impacting the stability and performance of custom servers, and the update has resolved it, providing a smoother multiplayer experience for players who enjoy custom servers.

Furthermore, a bug that allowed players to use the teenage human body in multiplayer has been fixed. This bug was causing inconsistencies and disruptions in gameplay, as players were able to exploit the teenage human body model. With the update, this issue has been addressed, ensuring that players can no longer use the teenage human body in multiplayer matches.

Apart from the fixes, the v1.1.3 update has also brought some changes to the custom server options. The limit for the RoundTimeLimit server option has been adjusted to a range of 60-3600 seconds, providing more flexibility for custom server hosts to set the round time limit according to their preferences.

Additionally, the maximum number of servers that can be hosted concurrently via a server token has been increased from 5 to 50. This change allows players to host more servers simultaneously, providing more opportunities for hosting custom servers and creating diverse multiplayer experiences.

The v1.1.3 update for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord brings several important fixes to both singleplayer and multiplayer modes, addressing crashes, bugs, and inconsistencies reported by players. With these fixes and changes to custom server options, players can expect a more stable and enjoyable gameplay experience. TaleWorlds Entertainment continues to work on improving and refining Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, and players can look forward to future updates to enhance their gaming experience.



  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to corrupt save data when making peace with minor factions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when transferring troops between formations with banners.


  • Fixed a bug that caused vassals to randomly disappear after they had been promoted from a companion position.



  • [Custom Server] Fixed a server crash that occurred due to a modded client.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to use the teenage human body.


  • [Custom Server] Adjusted the limit for the RoundTimeLimit server option to 60-3600 seconds.
  • [Custom Server] Increased the maximum number of servers you can host concurrently via your server token from 5 to 50.
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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