Nordicandia Update v1.2.3 Patch Notes - Guild Siege News! (1 April, 2023)

Danilo Medeiros

 Nordicandia has released its latest update, Version v1.2.3, on April 1st, 2023. This update brings some major changes to the Guild Siege team sizes, improving the matchups for players. Additionally, the update fixes a minor issue with the VSync option in game settings.

One of the significant changes in the update is the adjustment to Guild Siege team sizes. The team sizes have been changed to 1v1, 3v3, and 5v5, providing players with more balanced matchups. The existing 10v10 sieges have also been split into two 5v5 sieges. It is worth noting that the rewards for both loot and final rewards are still better for bigger teams.

In terms of minor changes, the update fixes an issue with the VSync option in game settings, ensuring that it saves correctly. This fix should improve the game's overall stability and prevent any disruptions for players.

v1.2.3 Patch Notes


  • Guild Siege team sizes are changed to 1v1, 3v3 and 5v5 to allow for improved matchups.
    Existing 10v10 sieges have been split into two 5v5 sieges.
    Siege rewards (both loot and final rewards) are still better for bigger teams.


  • Fixed an issue when saving the VSync option in game settings

In the previous update, Version 1.1.11, several major and minor changes were also made to the game. The update included the addition of descriptions when hovering/clicking on a buff or debuff, additional performance/fps optimizations, increased radius in which world loot items can stack on each other, and fixes for several bugs related to game mechanics and graphics.

Overall, the Version v1.2.3 update for Nordicandia brings significant changes to the Guild Siege team sizes, improving the player experience. The minor fix for the VSync option also improves the game's stability. The previous update, Version 1.1.11, included several major and minor changes, making the game smoother and more enjoyable for players.

v1.1.11 Patch Notes


  • Added descriptions when you hover/click on a buff or debuff
  • Additional performance/fps optimizations


  • Increased radius in which world loot items can stack on eachother
  • Fixed Frozen Arrow nova that didn't spawn correctly
  • Fixed so monsters don't stack on top of eachother as much
  • Fixed Arrowstream unique bow that was reducing FPS while active
  • Fixed Mage Thunderstrike Shock mastery, which now correctly increases shock effect when you have points in the Idle mastery
  • Fixed floating damage text from minions that wasn't affected by the visibility settings

One of the major changes introduced in the update was the addition of descriptions when hovering/clicking on a buff or debuff. This feature helps players understand the impact of each buff or debuff on their gameplay, enabling them to make better decisions and improve their strategy.

The update also included additional performance/fps optimizations, which improve the game's overall stability and enhance the player experience. These optimizations make the game run smoother, even on lower-end devices, reducing the risk of crashes and glitches.

In terms of minor changes, the update increased the radius in which world loot items can stack on each other, providing players with more convenience and efficiency in gathering items. Additionally, the update fixed several bugs, such as the Frozen Arrow nova not spawning correctly, monsters stacking on top of each other, and the Arrowstream unique bow reducing FPS while active. The Mage Thunderstrike Shock mastery was also fixed, ensuring that it now correctly increases shock effect when you have points in the Idle mastery. Finally, the update addressed the issue of floating damage text from minions that wasn't affected by the visibility settings.

Overall, the Version v1.1.11 update for Nordicandia brings significant improvements to the game, making it more stable and enjoyable for players. The addition of descriptions for buffs and debuffs, performance optimizations, and bug fixes make the game smoother and more efficient, providing players with a better overall gaming experience.

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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