RUNNING WITH RIFLES Update v1.96 Patch Notes (8 April, 2023)

Danilo Medeiros

 The Game RUNNING WITH RIFLES has released a new update, version v1.96 "Content Patch 1", on April 8, 2023. The update includes several improvements and fixes for the Vanilla and WW2 versions of the game.

RUNNING WITH RIFLES Update v1.96 Patch Notes - Content Patch 1

In the Vanilla version, the MG42 weapon cooldown has been slightly reworked, and the KAC Chain Saw has a new cooldown added and increased ammunition from 150 to 200. The tracer dart missile now does 15% less damage, has less pulldown, and the dart can be disarmed. Additionally, the SKS now has a missing weapon lock on player death. The Legion vehicle can now better overrun soldiers, and the AT mine carrying capacity has been increased from 2 to 3 at 5000XP.

Several maps have been fixed, including "Elk Island" not always appearing in quick matches and the "churches" for better AI navigation. Emoticons have been added in dominance and minimodes, and King of the Hill substage has been added for the map "Black Gold Estuary." The cooldowns in dominance have been adapted from Vanilla, and a short information text has been added on the mapview mask overlays.

In terms of soldiers, Rangers with tracer darts as secondary now have a dedicated and longer change weapon in animation to give the enemy more chance to react. Some emoticons that weren't shown properly have been fixed, and the output volume of a few weapons has been increased, which had been lowered by mistake in the last update.

In the WW2 version, the Browning Auto 5 now has a missing weapon lock on player death, and the cooldown of the Sten Mk IIS has been fixed, which made the gun overheat too fast. The script has also been fixed for the wrong briefcase unlocks in the map WW2: Power junction. The mapview for Linux and Mac for Elk Island in invasion has also been fixed.

Overall, the v1.96 "Content Patch 1" update has provided several necessary improvements, ensuring a better gaming experience for players.

Patch Notes for RUNNING WITH RIFLES v1.96


  • weapons: MG42 weapon cooldown slightly reworked
  • weapons: KAC Chain Saw cooldown added and increased ammunition from 150 to 200
  • weapons: tracer dart missile makes 15% less damage, has less pulldown and the dart can be disarmed
  • weapons: added missing weapon lock on player death to the SKS
  • vehicles: Legion can now better overrun soldiers
  • throwables: AT mine carrying capacity increase from 2 to 3 at 5000XP
  • maps: fixed "Elk Island" not always appearing in quick matches
  • maps: fixed the "churches" for better AI navigation
  • gamemodes: emoticons added in dominance and minimodes
  • dominance: cooldowns adapted from Vanilla
  • dominance: King of the Hill substage added for the map "Black Gold Estuary"
  • dominance: short information text added on the mapview mask overlays
  • soldiers: Rangers with tracer darts as secondary have a dedicated and longer change weapon in animation to give the enemy more chance to react
  • visuals: fixed some emoticons that weren't shown properly
  • sounds: increased the output volume of a few weapons which had been lowered by mistake in last update


  • weapons: added missing weapon lock on player death to the Browning Auto 5
  • weapons: fixed cooldown of the Sten Mk IIS, which made the gun overheat too fast
  • script: fixed the wrong briefcase unlocks in the map WW2: Power junction
  • misc: fixed mapview for Linux and Mac for Elk Island in invasion

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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