Song Of The Prairie Update v0.5.11 Patch Notes - NPC Improvements

Danilo Medeiros

 Song Of The Prairie released its latest update version "1.0.1" on April 9th, 2023. The update includes various optimizations and fixes to improve the gameplay experience based on player feedback.

One of the optimizations involves the key operation of Storage Box, making it more efficient for players to manage their items. Additionally, the number of productions produced by Old Jar has been optimized to enhance gameplay balance.

Song Of The Prairie Update v0.5.11 Patch Notes - NPC Improvements

Players may now also enjoy optimized fishing with the fishing rod, and the issue of no water in the islands of the Underground World has been fixed. The water and lava textures in the Underground World have also been improved to enhance the overall visual experience.

Several bugs have been fixed, including the disappearance of some NPC characters in the scene and incorrect icons of flowers on the Flower Arrangement Station. The possibility of Emergency Escape failure has also been optimized, and the game now restores NPC tools to their default state if they are lost.

Furthermore, the dev team and operating team have been working tirelessly for a whole week to improve the game. As a result, they will be taking three days off to rest. Players are encouraged to report any issues they encounter during this period, and their feedback will be collected and addressed accordingly.

Song Of The Prairie Update v0.5.11 Patch Notes - NPC Improvements

1.Optimized the key operation of Storage Box.
2.Optimized the number of productions produced by Old Jar.
3.Optimized players may can’t fishing with the fishing rod.
4.Optimized there may be no water in the islands of Underground World.
5.Optimized the water and lava texture in the Underground World.
6.Fixed some NPC may disappear in the scene.
7.Fixed the icons of flowers show wrong when combining on Flower Arrangement Station.
8.Optimized the possibility of Emergency Escape failure.
9.Optimized that NPC may lost his/her tools, now it will be restored as default tools.

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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