Soundodger 2 V1.0 Release Version Patch Notes - Bye bye Early Access

Danilo Medeiros

 Soundodger 2 Update 1.0.0: All the Features, Songs, Levels, and Dreams You Could Ask For

Soundodger 2 has finally reached version 1.0.0! This means no more Early Access, and all features, songs, levels, and dreams are now in the game, ready for players to dodge to their hearts' content. The official announcement thanks everyone who has helped the project along the way, including the lovely folks from the official Discord, countless friends and family, as well as the incredible musicians and level creators who joined the team to bring us the amazing experience we now have.

The changelog for this update is pretty extensive. It includes the addition of 27 achievements, 15 new songs, and 45 new levels. Heart gain/loss has been added to the heatmap, and Seventeen & Something expert have been removed (for now). The ending of Crowds expert has been tweaked to be less impossible, and minor tweaks have been made to Talk About It, Modular Origami, safety in the sun advanced, and ShinShinjuku expert. Major revisions have been made to Shibuya advanced, and the audio for Sophomore Slump has been updated. Additionally, 2 unlockable modes have been added, along with the ability to hold arrow keys to quickly scroll through levels. Stream patterns sometimes firing while paused have been fixed, and the inconsistent graze score math has been addressed.

In the level select section, jpeg thumbnails that were not displaying have been fixed, the position of grade quotations has been tweaked, and thumbnail previews for album art now color correctly in all situations. 40 album art images (1 for each song) have been added, and the unlock requirements for most songs and levels have been adjusted.

Finally, in the editor, text that was sent away via gravity now stays in its last position when time jumping. Performance has been improved when there are too many extra markers, and text no longer gets stuck on the screen when time jumping.

This update is sure to excite Soundodger 2 fans, who now have access to all the content they could ask for. The addition of new songs and levels, along with the various tweaks and fixes, should make for a better overall experience.

Soundodger 2 V1.0 Patch Notes


  • Added 27 Achievements
  • Added 15 new songs & 45 new levels
  • Added heart gain/loss to heatmap
  • Removed Seventeen & Something expert (...for now)
  • Tweaked ending of Crowds expert to be less impossible
  • Minor tweaks to Talk About It, Modular Origami, safety in the sun advanced, ShinShinjuku expert
  • Major revisions to Shibuya advanced
  • Updated audio for Sophomore Slump
  • Added 2nd heart to Sophomore Slump challenge
  • Fixed inconsistent graze score math
  • Added 2 unlockable modes
  • Added ability to hold arrow keys to quickly scroll through levels
  • Fixed stream patterns sometimes firing while paused

Level Select

  • Fixed jpeg thumbnails not displaying
  • Tweaked position of grade quotations
  • Fixed thumbnail preview for album art not coloring correctly in some situations
  • Added 40 album art images (1 for each song)
  • Adjusted unlock requirements for most songs/levels


  • Fixed text that was sent away via gravity staying in its last position when time jumping
  • Improved performance when too many extra markers
  • Fixed text getting stuck on screen when time jumping
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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