The Infected Update v13.0.8 Patch Notes – Hot Fix

Danilo Medeiros

 On September 12, 2022, the 13.0.8 Hot Fix version of The Infected game was released with some important changes and fixes.

One of the main changes was made in relation to AI teleportation quirks. The development team expressed gratitude for the continued reports on these issues and made adjustments to the way and timing in which the AI teleports when stuck. This should hopefully address some of the weird teleportation issues that players have been reporting.

The Infected Update v13.0.8  Patch Notes – Hot Fix

In addition to this change, there were also several fixes made. The shield block sound sometimes fired twice, which has been fixed. There was a specific AI attack that visually seemed like it hit the player but was dealing no damage, and this has also been fixed. Finally, there was a bug where Mike would sometimes disappear when players loaded back into a game, placing him back at one of the two spawn locations as if he was never found. This issue should be addressed moving forward, but current files experiencing this issue will have to find the NPC and administer the antibiotics.

CHANGE - Thank you for the continued reports on the AI teleportation quirks. We've made some adjustments to how & when the AI teleport when stuck. This should (hopefully) address some of the weird teleportation issues players are reporting.
FIXED - Shield block sound sometimes fired twice.
FIXED - A specific AI attack (the kungfu looking attack) would visually seem like it hit the player but was dealing no damage. (Trace is more accurate)
FIXED - Mike would sometimes disappear when players loaded back into a game. This bug would place Mike back at one of the two spawn locations as if he was never found. This fix should address the bug moving forward, however current files that are experiencing this issue will have to find the NPC and administer the antibiotics.

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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