The Iron Oath Game: Update v0.6.011 Patch Notes (8 April, 2023)

Danilo Medeiros

 Wild Hearts has just released a new update version 0.6.011 that brings new additions, changes, and fixes to the game. One of the most notable changes is the addition of new UI skins for several screens, including New Campaign, Settings, Reputation, Company History, Quest Journal, Company Upgrades, Ability Upgrades, and Character Customization.

In addition, the update also adds Damage Shield values to character portraits, an option to repair items when hovering over them in the Storage, Roster, and Marketplace screens, and a warning in red text when attempting to target an ally that has Grievous Wounds.

The Iron Oath Game: Update v0.6.011 Patch Notes (8 April, 2023)

The update also includes various UI updates and fixes for bugs, such as a fix for enchantments sometimes being applied to other pieces of gear and character dialogue in dungeons showing next to the portrait instead of over it. Cities destroyed by the Scourge will now take much longer to be rebuilt, and there is a potential fix for a softlock issue dealing with the Dire Hoarwulf's Frostcall ability.

Players can also now customize characters in real-time, with changes being immediately reflected in the roster management screens. Overall, the update brings several improvements and fixes that will enhance the Wild Hearts gaming experience.

Hey everyone, we've just put out a patch with a few new additions, changes, and fixes. Thank you for submitting bug reports!

The Iron Oath Game: Update v0.6.011 Patch Notes (8 April, 2023)

Additions and Changes

  • New UI skins for the following screens: New Campaign, Settings, Reputation, Company History, Quest Journal, Company Upgrades, Ability Upgrades, Character Customization
  • Damage Shield values now show on character portraits (including on enemies)
  • Added a repair button so you can click to repair when hovering over an item in Storage screen, Roster screen, and Marketplace
  • Updated lots of text in the game to use a larger font
  • Updated the tooltip for Guard to mention that guarding units fully block line of sight for enemies
  • Right clicking on the portrait of an enemy in the turn order will now open their codex entry
  • Updated the look of the character stat tooltips seen when hovering an ally or enemy portrait (larger font, and all icons now fit on the same line)
  • The top bar of the HUD is now visible when viewing various screens in the overworld
  • Added a warning in red text when attempting to target an ally that has Grievous Wounds (meaning they can't be healed, shielded, or buffed)
  • Bandages now remove Grievous Wounds in addition to Bleed (if you're currently in a dungeon, existing Bandages won't have this new effect until next time)
  • When a character enters Bleedout, any applications of Grievous Wounds will be removed, making it possible to pick them back up
  • Other various UI updates


  • Fixed a bug where enchantments would sometimes be applied to other pieces of the same gear
  • Character dialogue in dungeons will now show next to the portrait and not over top of it
  • Cities destroyed by the Scourge now take much longer to be rebuilt
  • Potential fix for a softlock dealing with the Dire Hoarwulf's Frostcall ability
  • After spending all level up points available, the 'Level Up' icon on the portrait will now correctly disappear
  • Customizing characters will now be immediately reflected in the roster management screens
  • Fixed a bug causing a softlock if a character had the "Scroll of Retribution" enchantment (to reflect damage) but took damage from sources other than an enemy
  • Can no longer manipulate the same item multiple times if you have both the Storage and Manage Roster screens open
  • Fixed a bug where opening and closing the Journal in dungeons would prevent you from moving the camera
  • Fixed an issue when playing on Adventurer difficulty that caused 1 Skull enemy encounters to have the same number of enemies as the Battle-Hardened difficulty
Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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