WILD HEARTS: Update "Murakumo" Patch Notes – Fixes (6 April, 2023)

Danilo Medeiros

 Wild Hearts has released the "Murakumo" update on April 6, 2023, which includes numerous fixes to the game. One of the main issues addressed was the ability to dodge while no stamina was available after firing the Hand Cannon following a sliding dodge.

Additionally, an incorrect number of bases displayed after deploying a Ki Base, longer than expected time to move or dodge after being staggered while using a Hand Cannon, and the number of Hand Cannon bases sometimes remaining at a lower number than intended were also fixed.

WILD HEARTS: Update "Murakumo" Patch Notes – Fixes (6 April, 2023)

Furthermore, the update addressed issues with movement transition after landing following Savage Dance with a Bladed Wagasa, parrying with a Bladed Wagasa incorrectly becoming an aerial parry following certain ground attacks, and the Bladed Wagasa's multi-hit attacks having a reduced number of hits depending on the frame rate settings.

Other issues that were fixed include unexpected movement when unleashing the Karakuri Katana Unbound State, unexpected triggering of Iai: Soaring Slash Streak, and the Claw Blade not being displayed correctly when performing the Claw Plunge. The update also addressed various issues related to the Karakuri Staff, Healing Vaporizer Karakuri, Ailment gauges, icons displayed incorrectly, and players being thrown skyward when releasing their grip on a Kemono.

One of the issues that was fixed in the update was related to the display of weapons in one's possession. Previously, when the same hunt was accepted again in "Hunting Song – Reverberations" and "Hunting Encore – Old Trail Tribulation", the weapons in the player's possession were displayed twice. This issue has been resolved.

Another issue that was addressed in the update was related to rain during online co-op. Previously, only guests would experience rain during online co-op when starting certain quests during heavy rain in Chapter 4. The quests that were affected by this issue were "Hunting Song – Reverberations", "Hunting Song – Rising Glissando", and "Hunting Encore – Auspice of Minato". This issue has also been resolved.

The update also addressed a display issue that occurred when selecting "Return to Your Minato" during a visiting hunter's request. Previously, players were unable to obtain the Hand Cannon when they joined an online co-op session at certain times in an Earthbreaker hunt. These issues have been resolved.

Another issue that was fixed in the update was related to Karakuri. Previously, Karakuri sometimes remained after hunting Amaterasu in Minato. Additionally, players were moved to the starting position of the player they assisted after hunting with a player who requested assistance. These issues have been fixed.

WILD HEARTS: Update "Murakumo" Patch Notes – Fixes (6 April, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue in which the weapons in one's possession were displayed twice when the same hunt was accepted again in "Hunting Song – Reverberations" and "Hunting Encore – Old Trail Tribulation".

  • Fixed an issue where only guests experience rain during online co-op when starting the following quests during the heavy rain in Chapter 4:

    • "Hunting Song – Reverberations"
    • "Hunting Song – Rising Glissando"
    • "Hunting Encore – Auspice of Minato"
  • Fixed a display issue when selecting "Return to Your Minato" during a visiting hunter's request.

  • Fixed an issue where guests could not obtain the Hand Cannon when they joined an online co-op session at certain times in an Earthbreaker hunt.

  • Fixed an issue in which Karakuri sometimes remained after hunting Amaterasu in Minato.

  • Fixed an issue where players were moved to the starting position of the player they assisted after hunting with a player who requested assistance.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Kingtusk and Icetusk to vibrate unnaturally under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Lavaback and Cobalt Lavaback's spinning attacks to hit continuously in an unexpected manner.

  • Fixed an issue that caused some Giant Kemono attacks, such as Emberplume's fire breath, to hit continuously.

  • Fixed an issue in which eggs released by Ripclaw did not explode in some locations.

  • Fixed an issue that caused some flying attacks of the following Giant Kemono to ignore the durability value of a Karakuri and instantly destroy it:

    • Dreadclaw
    • Ripclaw
    • Fervid Crazecomb
  • Improved Giant Kemono behavior when getting stuck on terrain while moving.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Giant Kemono to not move as expected when dying.

  • Fixed the behavior of Dreadclaw at Breezy Cape in Natsukodachi Isle.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Dreadclaw from moving forward at certain locations in Fuyufusagi Fort.

  • Improved the movement of Gritdog.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Fumebeak to get stuck in mid-air.

  • Improved movement of Amaterasu.

  • Fixed an issue in which the vfx of Hunter Vision sometimes did not disappear.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused unexpected voices to be played during cutscenes.

  • Fixed an issue in online co-op where the Left Arm Leverager achievement was being credited only to the host.

  • Fixed an issue in which players were not able to obtain the following achievements, even when meeting the requirements. Players will now be awarded with these achievements when transitioning to a specific menu, listed below:

    • Commencing of Quests

      • Main Menu > Information > Minato Requests
    • Memory Rouser

      • Main Menu > Communication > Profile > Karakuri card of the Profile
    • Hidden History

      • Main Menu > Information > Documents
    • Quintessence of Form

      • Campfire > Enhance tsukumo
    • Charmed by the Hunt

      • Main Menu > Inventory
    • Threaded Harmony

      • Access a Dragon Pit that has been enhanced to its maximum.
    • Haven Hunter

      • Main Map
    • Master of the Skies

      • Main Menu > Communication > Profile
  • The Vanquisher of the Volatile and Volatile Vocation achievements have been modified so that they can be unlocked by guests as well if they meet the requirements.

  • Fixed an issue in which the root bridge produced by Kingtusk would sometimes not appear in Harugasumi Way.

  • Fixed an issue in which the protective Talismans in Harugasumi Way were buried in the trees after the appearance of invasive Kemono.

  • Fixed an issue where the floating Talisman in Natsukodachi Isle was placed incorrectly after the appearance of invasive Kemono.

  • Fixed an issue in which the sea level was not displayed correctly on Natsukodachi Isle.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause inoperability when the player died with no lives left right at the start of a cutscene.

  • Fixed an issue in which the game would freeze on a dark screen if the Final Blow coincided with a player leaving the session during online co-op.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the host to become temporarily unable to move when a guest performed the final blow while the host was near death.

  • Revised the calculation of certain respawn points to prevent looped deaths from falling or drowning.

  • Fixed an issue in which rescuing in certain situations in online co-op would not release the action of the player being rescued.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause an inability to progress in the story when talking to NPCs in certain situations in online co-op.

  • Fixed an issue where the game would terminate if automatic chat messages and leaving the session overlapped during online co-op.

  • Fixed an issue where the game would stop when the connection to a controller was lost during situations where the controller was vibrating.

  • Fixed various other issues that caused the game to freeze or crush under specific conditions.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Claw Blade to extend and contract unnaturally.

  • Fixed an issue in which a player's maximum HP was reduced by more than expected when removing a Talisman with the skill Health Boost.

  • Fixed an issue in which some NPCs were in different locations than expected when following the "Prepare for Amaterasu's return" objective.

  • Fixed an issue where if you fail a hunt due to the hunt timer running out of time, your health and number of Healing Waters will be fully restored.

  • Fixed an issue where a game console would not be able to connect to the network after being restored from a long standby state.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes left Minato's requests unfulfilled if the online co-op session was terminated before turning in the requests.

  • Fixed an issue in which the speed of fade-out during screen transitions varied depending on FPS.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the screen to go blank during cutscenes.

  • Adjusted stage appearance and collision.

  • Adjusted the placement of some accessories.

  • [PC] Fixed an issue where the mute setting in the friends list was not applied correctly when participating in online co-op.

  • [PC] Fixed an issue where the player character would sometimes stop moving after a Glider or a Celestial Anchor attack with a Karakuri Staff when the FPS limit was set to 30.

  • [PC] Fixed an issue where the "Cursor Movement Speed Increase" was not reflected when using the keyboard or mouse.

  • Fixed and improved miscellaneous issues.

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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