THE FINALS Update Closed Beta 2 Patch 1– Review, Patch Notes,Changelog and Dowload

Danilo Medeiros

 Welcome to the latest update for THE FINALS, a highly anticipated online game currently in Closed Beta 2. In this article, we'll dive into the details of the recent patch, released on June 16, 2023. The developers have been hard at work addressing performance issues, fixing bugs, and implementing balancing changes based on player feedback. Let's explore the key improvements made in this update.

Bug Fixes for Enhanced Performance and Stability: The development team acknowledges the invaluable contribution of the testers and expresses gratitude for their continuous support. With the first full day of the beta revealing certain performance and stability issues, the team wasted no time in rectifying them. This patch introduces a range of bug fixes to enhance the overall gaming experience.

  • Performance improvements: Several optimizations have been implemented to improve the game's performance, ensuring smoother gameplay and reduced lag.
  • Asian server matchmaking and stability: An issue affecting players on Asian servers has been resolved, enabling smoother matchmaking and enhancing overall stability.
  • Respawn coin discrepancy: Previously, players joining a Cashout round already in progress occasionally encountered a bug that resulted in fewer respawn coins than intended. This issue has been addressed and resolved.
  • Character customization menu: An issue that mistakenly labeled items in the Character customization menu as new has been fixed, ensuring a more accurate representation of available options.
  • VPN and IME plugin accessibility: Players were experiencing difficulties accessing the game through VPN and IME plugins. The developers have now rectified this setting, allowing smooth gameplay for all players.
  • Heavy build adjustments: A bug preventing the Heavy build from using ADS (aim-down-sights) on distance weapons and firing gadgets has been fixed. This change ensures a more seamless experience for players utilizing the Heavy build.
  • Web browser crashes: An occasional issue causing web browser crashes upon game shutdown has been resolved, preventing any unnecessary interruptions during gameplay.
  • Nama Tama Halo Sticker: A permanent tag has been added to the Nama Tama Halo Sticker, which can now be earned via the Battle pass. This exciting addition offers a new customization option for players to showcase their achievements.

Balancing Changes: The development team is committed to refining gameplay and ensuring a fair and enjoyable experience for all players. In response to valuable feedback received during the playtest, a balancing tweak has been implemented in this patch.

  • Extended extraction time: In order to provide a more competitive environment, the time required to steal an extraction has been increased by one second. This change aims to balance gameplay mechanics and make it slightly more challenging for Heavy builds to perform clutch extractions.

 With the release of THE FINALS CB2 Patch 1, the developers have taken significant strides in improving performance, stability, and overall gameplay experience. By addressing several bugs, enhancing accessibility, and implementing balancing changes, the team continues to shape the game based on valuable player feedback. As the Closed Beta progresses, players can expect an even more refined and enjoyable gaming experience. Stay tuned for future updates as the journey to the finals continues.

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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