Sengoku Dynasty Update v0.1.2.0 Patch Notes

Danilo Medeiros

 Welcome, warriors of Sengoku Dynasty, to another exciting update! As the development journey continues, our team has been hard at work addressing various issues, improving gameplay balance, enhancing visuals, and implementing quality-of-life changes based on your feedback. In this blog post, we're diving into the details of the latest update, version, which brings a plethora of fixes and enhancements to ensure your journey through feudal Japan is as immersive and enjoyable as ever. Let's take a closer look at the notable changes in this update:


  • Fixed player losing control over character when crafting on cooking pot.
  • Fixed unlimited ashigaru armor exploit in Secrets of Trade quest
  • Fixed items disappearing from map on loading saved game (affected loot, dropped items and others). Unfortunately, these items will not reappear if you saved the game when they were already gone.
  • Fixed excessive foliage issue near the central lake
  • Fixed motion blur activating at night.
  • Fixed trade amount resetting when confirming with keyboard/gamepad after mouse use.
  • Fixed steel hammer recipe icon showing iron hammer.
  • Fixed menu button icons in load game menu.
  • Fixed last button being focused on the dialogue, now the first one will be selected by default.
  • Fixed dialogue navigation button error.
  • Fixed build version becoming visible after pressing F10 (which is the “hide HUD” button. Feel free to use F10 to take some nice screenshots.
  • Fixed loss of focus when closing error pop-up in main menu with controller.
  • Fixed deer IKs – they should be walking more naturally now.
  • Fixed duplicate sound on opening dynasty tab.
  • Fixed headwear showing if equipped in FPP.
  • Fixed loss of focus after closing the Choose Amount UI.
  • Fixed some untranslated UI text.
  • Updated mansion’s second building and corridor.
  • Updated hunter’s hut tower ramp, and improved the ghost placement setup, as now the ramp is longer.
  • Change the taiko drum model and textures.
  • Change nameplates models, pivot, and textures.
  • Improved hats and hairstyles for some NPCs.
  • Update male refugee torso skin.
  • Adjust NPC sitting on benches.
  • Spanish localization update.
  • Campfire with the Cooking Pot will now remove grass when built.
  • Advanced cooking recipes do not require sticks or stones anymore to cook meat, eggs, or fish.
  • Improved exterior segment setup in Small House and Forager's Hut.
  • Added a second mandatory bed to the Standard House, and two more mandatory beds to a Large House – we are aware that the descriptions still mention that those buildings house fewer people, we will improve them.
  • Boar takes 4 hits now to kill the player (from full HP).
  • Improved Fences placement – it should now be considerably easier to place fences and walls on steeper slopes, but there is still room for improvement.
  • Improving Hunter's Hut ghost placement, as the tower ramp is now longer.
  • Set motion blur to 0 in the night post-process.
  • Improved roofs to not obscure the TPP camera when inside a structure.
  • Save files can be moved without the metadata file – so it’s easier to share your game.
  • Loudness and mix adjustments.
  • Improve Environment SFX.
  • Villager efficiency bonuses and penalties increased – each time you fail to meet a need you get a penalty to worker effectiveness for the next season. Each time you fulfill a larger need, you get a bonus for a worker effectiveness for the next season.
  • Sleeping interaction (Tents, Buildings) now requires holding the button – we just wanted to make sure you will not accidentally go to sleep.
  • Added color to mouse icons and added a scroll wheel icon.
  • Added droplet of water to the water bottle icon.
  • Increase Quick Slots text size box.

The Sengoku Dynasty update for August 18, 2023, brings an array of fixes and enhancements to elevate your gameplay experience. Our dedicated team continues to work tirelessly to deliver a captivating and immersive journey through feudal Japan. Your feedback remains invaluable in this endeavor, and we're committed to refining the game based on your input.

As you embark on new adventures, overcome challenges, and explore the beautifully enhanced world of Sengoku Dynasty, we hope you thoroughly enjoy the latest update.

Danilo Medeiros
Formado em R.H e cursando Pós em gestão estratégica de pessoas, atual Administrador da Overcentral Instagram: @danilopablolima
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